Sunday, June 19, 2016


Happy Father's Day to my young and awesome dad! World's best. I'm glad there are still so many courageous men in the world who are willing to take the world head on like my dad did. Having a good father is a blessing everyone ought to deserve.

This week was super exciting. We saw two awesome baptisms! I'm not sure how big my role was in their conversion process, but it was certainly fun to watch them over these past few weeks. The baptism was awesome and they're talks afterwards were even better. One got up and she was talking about meeting all these different missionaries and how it switched to me and Elder Falck a couple months ago and how at first she thought I was very witty and funny and that Elder Falck was just dumb (not smart). Says it as directly as that in front of the whole congregation! Everyone busted up laughing! Even Elder Falck. He's a stud. Funny moment! She later apologized by bringing up these huge plates of Costco cookies and brownies! Worth it for sure.

I took out the YM's with me to go street contacting for a night. It was hilarious to watch them being super uncomfortable out there, good reminders of what it was like in the past for me. But thinking of it, they are all so much cooler than I was. Before the mission, if I would've been asked to hang out with missionaries I would've definitely said no. Haha. Good thing I've been able to change. These people are awesome examples to me.

Elder Falck and I are having such a blast together here for my last few weeks. Its cool to think that I now have two best friends living in Taiwan and Sweden, two of my favorite places in this world. If the mission was a complete failure for me, it would still be worth all the awesome friendships I've been able to make out here. Missions are the best.

They're even better when the end is near. I've loved this last transfer and it is just going to get better!

Love you all!

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone!! I feel bad for all those of you who don't know what that is! Haha.

My blood sugar has risen significantly this week due to all the Taiwanese shaved ice I've been eating. Elder Falck is also addicted which makes the temptation all the greater. We can get up to 5 or 6 in a matter of two or three days depending on how we are feeling.. Coated up with some good green beans, grass jelly, chewy taro balls, salty peanuts and then coated over with condensed milk. Don't judge it till you try it!

We also played basketball a few times this week. I was flat out embarrassed with myself. Needless to say, I will be practicing a bit when i get home..

As far as gospel scholarship goes, I finished the Bible and D&C back to back again. There is some interesting stuff within them. Gotta do it just a few times in life right?

I made it back to Danshui this past week for the first time in 6 months. I felt like I was in heaven. :-)
Even got to hang out with some old friends of mine!

As I approach the end of my sojourn here, I am so glad that I have the people around me that I do. We have an awesome investigator who just cannot get an answer to prayer to save his life. It's great for me. It entertains my mind thinking of how to approach his problems from all angles. Thank goodness I can have some things that I find entertaining during these last weeks.

Life is good. Time goes fast. It's a blast.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


This week was a pretty fast and good one. We saw lots of good progress with our investigators and also found out that a lot of them have more problems than we previously thought. God knew all too well that I would need some interesting problems to fix to keep me excited about what I'm doing lol. But sometimes you wonder how in the world can some people find themselves in such a deep hole and continue living.

I just learn from them. I won't ever consider making a living of helping people solve their problems either..too many headaches..

We were able to go play on a beautiful beach with our favorite member again last week. Chilling with Taiwanese people is pretty fun as it turns out :-) Especially when you can finally talk to them for hours at a time without any trouble. You make pretty good friends while on your mission. Honestly all the friendships I've made out here alone have made my mission more than worth it!

The best moment of the week though was a contact Elder Falck and I had together. Elder Falck does his best with the language, but its still fun for me to watch him in the early stages of his mission where he's still figuring out the language lol. This man we contacted was probably the most perfect contact any missionary could think of, almost a little cliche, but he was genuine. He kept telling us that ever since he had a spiritual experience last year, he realized how "神奇"(shen2 qi2 meaning "miraculous") all of god's workings were. However, Elder Falck misunderstood him for saying "生氣" (sheng1 qi4 meaning "angry") and butted right in to the rescue by offering to say a prayer for him to not always be so angry at everything. I got a good laugh out of that. :-) Sometimes companions are the best part of your mission haha.

I'm still loving life. Trying to enjoy every second of it. Time goes fast.

But of course I'm still really looking forward to the jungles of Thailand and Cambodia and the coast of Vietnam. I have the best family. Super exciting lives they live.

Life is all about experiences.

Love you all!